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The config file can be used to define general variables used in Nest Watcher.





Variable Description What to put in
auto_time Whether or not to automatically get the last migration time. If you set this to false, you have to define the hours since change using the -t argument. True/False
events Whether or not to automatically remove event spawns from the nesting species list. True/False
less_queries If turned on, the script will query all Mons and Spawns from the database at once for each area. Else, it will query them for every nest, putting a lot of load on your database. Depending on your setup, one option will be faster than the other. I recommend just testing out both. True/False
pokestop_pokemon Whether or not to use less-reliable Pokestop Pokemon to determine nests. If on MAD, this option will forcebly set to False. True/False
i_scan_berlin If turned on, the most common nesting species in your whole area will be ignored from further analyzations. This is useful if you’re living in a meganest (with Berlin being really the only one world-wide currently) True/False

Scanner DB / Nest DB

Since options for both Scanner DB and Nest DB are practically the same, both sections are being combined here.

Variable Description What to put in
scanner The type of Scanner backend you’re using mad/rdm
custom_pokemon_table If you happen to store pokemon data in another table than pokemon. Can also be set to e.g. backupdb.pokemon_history. Not available in the default config, must be added on your own. table name
name The name of the database Text
password The password used to access the database Text
user The username used to access the database Text
host The host of the database IP
port The port of the database Number


Since Geojsons are only used in PMSF, you can ignore most of this section if you’re not using that. Just make sure to put geojson.json as the value for path

Variable Description What to put in
path The path to save the Geojson in Text
default_park_name The name to use if there’s no name set on OSM Text
stroke The polygon’s stroke color Hex color
stroke_width The polygon’s stroke width Number
stroke_opacity The polygon’s stroke color opacity Number
fill The polygon’s fill color Hex color
fill_opacity The polygon’s fill color opacity Number


Variable Description What to put in
token The token of yor Discord bot Text
language The language to translate Pokemon names in en/de/es/fr
tileserver_url The URL to your Tileserver (if you have one). Don’t forget the trailing slash URL
icon_repo The Icon Repo to use for the Pokemon emotes and on static maps URL