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Settings are used to define specific values for certain areas. This includes options to filter out nests, as well as Discord settings.

There’s one entry called DEFAULT you can use to set options that will be used for all areas. To overwrite those values for certain areas, you can add new entries like in the example below. Just make sure that it always has the "area" key that matched a name from your areas.json.




        "area": "DEFAULT",
        "min_pokemon": 9,
        "min_spawnpoints": 2,
        "min_average": 0.5,
        "min_ratio": 0,
        "scan_hours_per_day": 24,
        "max_markers": 30,
        "discord": null
        "area": "Berlin",
        "min_pokemon": 10,
        "min_average": 1,
        "max_markers": 1,
        "discord": 502074808662622208
        "area": "New York",
        "discord": ""


Variable Description What to put in
area Required. Used to connect the entry to an area from areas.json. Area name
min_pokemon Total amount of Mons in a park for it to qualify as a nest. Basically lets you define a minimum samplesize to avoid false-positives. Number
min_spawnpoints Total amount of spawnpoints a park needs to qualify. Probably the best way to sort out parks that are too small for your likings. Number
min_average The minimum amount of average nest spawns per hour a park needs to qualify. Another good way to sort out small nests. Number
min_ratio The average chance for a spawnpoint to have a nesting mon. This should always be 0.25. However, due to different reasons, the ratio value will rarely be close to 0.25. so I don’t recommend using it in most cases. Number
scan_hours_per_days The hours you scan this area per day. Used in the calculation for the hourly average. Number
max_markers The maximum amount of markers per nest on a Static Map. If set to 1, the marker will be at the set center point. Number
discord Either a Channel ID (if you want to use a bot) or a Webhook URL of a Discord channel. Make sure the ID is not put in "", but the Webhook URL is. Channel ID/Webhook URL