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This file is used to customize Discord messages. It’s a JSON consisting of two parts. I call this the first and the second part.




    "title": "Nests in {areaname}",
    "description": "{nest_entry}",
    "image": {
        "url": "{staticmap}"
    "nest_entry": "{mon_emoji} {mon_name}{shiny} ({mon_avg}/hr): **{park_name}**\n",
    "sort_by": "mon_avg",
    "min_avg": 1,
    "ignore_unnamed": false

First part

The first part is a raw discord embed JSON. To see how such embed works, you can use a generator like this one. Listed below are variables you can use within this embed, jst make sure to put them in {}.

  • Note for Bots: The bot matches the title of the embed, when it’s searching a message to edit. So make sure not to put a variable in it that changes on every run. Also, if you want multiple messages in one channel, you’ll have to put {areaname} in the title.


Variable Description
{nest_entry} The nest entry defined in the second part. Recommended to be the only value for "description".
{areaname} The name of the area the message summarizes nests of
{staticmap} The Static Map (if used). Recommended to be the only value for "image"-"url"
{current_time} A timestamp of when the message was sent. Recommended to be the only value for "timestamp.

Second part

Options to customize in the second part:

  • nest_entry: How a single nest will be displayed as
  • sort_by: What value to sort nests after
    • Possible options: mon_avg, mon_count, mon_ratio, mon_id, park_name
  • min_avg: If you want an additional filter for Discord messages
  • ignore_unnamed: Whether or not to ignore unnamed parks

Variables in nest_entry

Variable Description
{park_name} Name of the park
{lat} / {lon} Latitude and longitude (coordinates) of the park
{mon_id} The nesting Mon’s ID
{mon_avg} Average amount of nest spawns per hour
{mon_count} Total amount of nesting mon’s found
{mon_ratio} Average chance for a spawnpoint to spawn a nesting mon
{mon_emoji} Icon of the nesting mon (as an emote) (only supported for bots)
{type_emoji} An emote that represents the nesting mon’s type. If it has two, they will be seperated with a /
shiny An emote if the nestin mon is available in it shiny form

Tip: Using {lat} and {lon} you can create links to any site you want. It could look something like this:

  • Google Maps: [Google Maps]({lat},{lon})
  • PMSF: [PMSF]({lat}&lon={lon}&zoom=17)